DIY Automated Papers
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If you’ve ever written a scientific paper, a report or a thesis, the following might evoke painful memories: Imagine you have some code (for example, a few Python scripts) that produce the outputs that you want to write about. Let’s refer to these scripts as your analysis. When you run your analysis, it might print its outputs directly to the terminal, or store them in a text file somewhere. Then, when writing your paper, you painstakingly insert every single number, table and figure into your document. After making a lot of progress, you notice a bug in the analysis. Bugs happen all the time when writing software, and unfortunately your scripts are no exception. In this case, the bug affects various outputs of the analysis, which will inevitably change once you fix the mistake. Now you have no choice but to go through your outputs and carefully update the ones that changed. Afterwards, you are left wondering whether you missed one of the changed values, which is pretty distressing. Needless to say that tight deadlines make this much worse, as you’re more likely to make mistakes, and at the same time you can’t afford to spend a lot of time updating numbers in your paper.

Another problem that can occur when entering many figures by hand is the fact that you will inevitably make mistakes. A single typo in a large table probably won’t get noticed. If you’ve ever managed to discovered one of these, you’ll agree that they are irritating: Even if a single wrong value might not be the end of the world, you’ve worked hard to produce your results and the fact that a single typo can render them incorrect is uncomfortable.

Clearly, it would be nice if there was a system that could take all the outputs of your analysis and insert them into the document in some automated way, “as if by magic”. There are some features such a system should have that I’d say are pretty indispensible:

In this post, I will show you how you can build your own templating tool that ticks all of these boxes. This might sound very difficult at first, but it’s not that bad if we make use of the following key insights:

The jinja2 templating framework is the most popular templating system for Python. It’s well-designed, thoroughly tested, and flexible enough for what we want to do. You might have used jinja2 before for generating HTML documents, but in case you’ve never used it before, here is a quick explanation of the templating syntax:

By default, you can insert a value anywhere in your text by enclosing it in double curly braces. For example, if my text contains

The value is {{ myvariable }}.

And the current value of myvariable is the integer 42, then the output becomes

The value is 42.

We have access to Python functionality inside the template as well:

The value is {{ myvariable**2 }}.


The value is 1764.

You can also insert sequences of text into your document by using for loops:

{% for x in numbers %}
The value is {{ x }}.
{% endfor %}

will become

The value is 1.
The value is 2.
The value is 3.

in the final text, if numbers is the list [1, 2, 3]. It will turn out that this feature will be extremely useful for automatically creating tables.

Let’s try this out with a real LaTeX document! There’s just one problem: The above template syntax clashes with the use of { and } in LaTeX. Luckily, jinja2 allows us to change the default template syntax. I prefer to use << and >> when inserting values and #< and ># for for loops and other blocks.

Let’s start by writing a minimal LaTeX document that we want to insert something into. Create the following file and name it main.tex:

Given $x = << value >>$, we know that $x^2 = << value**2 >>$.

Now, we should make sure that the jinja2 package is installed. Run

pip install --user jinja2

to install it into your home directory. Then, open up a script called and add the following code:

import sys
from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader, StrictUndefined
env = Environment(

This sets jinja2 up to look for files in the current directory and to raise an error if we use an undefined value in our template. We can then configure our custom template syntax:

env.block_start_string = '#<'
env.block_end_string = '>#'
env.variable_start_string = '<<'
env.variable_end_string = '>>'
env.comment_start_string = '#='
env.comment_end_string = '=#'

Here, I’ve also defined #= and =# in case you want to use jinja2’s comment functionality.

Now, let’s define the values that we want to be available inside the template:

inserts = {
    'value': 5,

Load the paper as a template into jinja2:

template = env.get_template('main.tex')

We are now ready to insert the values and save the resulting text:

text = template.render(**inserts)
with open('main.processed.tex', 'w') as f:

You can run the script by executing


If you open up main.processed.tex, it should contain

Given $x = 5$, we know that $x^2 = 25$.

If you compile it, the document should contain the text

Given x = 5 , we know that x 2 = 25 .

The problem with the above setup is that we have passed in the inserted values manually. Ideally, we should be able to define the values that are available in the template conveniently from inside our analysis scripts.

Let’s create such a script. Open up the file and enter the following helper class:

import os
import sys
import shelve
from contextlib import closing

class store:
    def __init__(self, build='.'):
        name = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
        name += '.shelve' = os.path.join(build, name)

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        with closing( as db:
            value = db[key]
        return value

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        with closing( as db:
            db[key] = value

The store class will allow us to easily store values from within our script. First, we instantiate a store object:

db = store()

Then we can simply assign a value to a key of the store whenever we want to save something:

db['value'] = 5

The store object will automatically create the file run.shelve that contains all stored variables. In the, we should add

all_db = dict()
for dbname in sys.argv[1:]:
    db =

to get the contents of all .shelve files that are passed on the command line to the script. The code at the end of the file can be modified to

text = template.render(**all_db)
with open('build/main.tex', 'w') as f:

We can now run

python run.shelve main.tex

To insert the values stored from our script into the main.tex file. It might make sense to automate the process with a Makefile that contains

all: main.processed.pdf
SHELVES=$(wildcard *.shelve)
FILTERED=$(filter-out, $(SHELVES))

%.pdf: %.tex
    lualatex $^

%.processed.tex: $(FILTERED) %.tex
    python $^

    python $^

You can then simply run


to generate the finished PDF. The flexibility of jinja2 comes in handy when we want to create tables from values inside our script. Let’s add the following code to

data = [
    (1, 2.3),
    (2, 1.2),
    (3, 1.1),
    (4, 1.5),

db['data'] = data

Inside our main.tex, we can add a table by specifying

\begin{tabular}{r r}
    First item & Second item \\
    #< for line in data >#
      << 2 * line[0] >> & << "{.2f}".format(line[1]) >> \
    #< endfor >#

Note that we can heavily post-process the template variables to achieve the exact output we need. Also, we could easily be dealing with other kinds of data types like numpy arrays or pandas DataFrames here instead of a simple list.

If you now run python and then make, your document should be updated and include the table.

In principle, this system is already powerful enough to write simple documents. If you want to discover more ways of inserting values into your document and simplify your template, it would make sense to read the jinja2 documentation.

This basic system can be improved in many different ways:

Sometimes, you might want to collaborate with others who don’t need to run your template setup. In that case, you can just give them the processed file, which should be mostly indistinguishable from a manually created one.

I find that using a templating system like this speeds up the creation of papers, and comes in especially handy when changes need to be incorporated in a short amount of time. The idea for this kind of system is not my own, but taken from several places on the internet, for example this StackOverflow question.

If you want to check out a complete code example, you can have a look at this Github repository that I’ve prepared. This repository also runs Travis on each commit and stores the resulting PDF on the gh-pages branch, so that it’s easy to look at the finished output that each commit produces.