Recently, I’ve resolved to stop reusing the same password over and over again on every website that I’m registered on. Of course, remembering a new password for every website is extremely difficult, especially if you generate them randomly.
This is where password managers come in. Typically, these applications manage a password database that is
secured with a master password. pass is one such
program that I’m particularly fond of. It’s a very minimal command line utility that uses gpg
encrypt your passwords and (optionally) git
for tracking changes and creating backups. You can
generate and save a password with
$ pass generate [name] [length]
and copy a password to the clipboard with
$ pass -c [name]
It’s great when working on the command line, but is a bit inconvenient when you’re entering passwords on the web, because you have to switch to a terminal to use it.
XMonad is my favourite tiling window manager. It is configured in Haskell and is extremely convenient for programming and working in the terminal. It occured to me that XMonad can be easily extended to interface with applications like pass. The xmonad-contrib package includes scaffolding for creating custom prompts that query the user for input and offer tab completion.
Include the following Modules in your ~/.xmonad/xmonad.hs
A new barebones prompt can be configured in a few lines of code:
data Pass = Pass
instance XPrompt Pass where
showXPrompt Pass = "Pass: "
commandToComplete _ c = c
nextCompletion _ = getNextCompletion
passPrompt :: XPConfig -> X ()
passPrompt c = do
li <- io getPasswords
mkXPrompt Pass c (mkComplFunFromList li) selectPassword
Now, we need functions for interfacing with pass:
selectPassword :: String -> X ()
selectPassword s = spawn $ "pass -c " ++ s
getPasswords :: IO [String]
getPasswords = do
user <- getEnv "USER"
entries <- getDirectoryContents $
"/home/" ++ user ++ "/.password-store"
return $ map takeBaseName entries
Bind a key to passPrompt promptConfig
for opening the prompt.
Finally, the prompt can be styled to your liking:
promptConfig = defaultXPConfig
{ font = "xft:Source Code Pro:pixelsize=12"
, borderColor = "#1e2320"
, fgColor = "#dddddd"
, fgHLight = "#ffffff"
, bgColor = "#1e2320"
, bgHLight = "#5f5f5f"
, height = 18
, position = Top
The Pass:
prompt autocompletes the names in the password database and makes working with pass
extremely convenient.
Please note that in the code snippet above, only top-level passords in ~/.password-store
included in the list of options. This could be extended by recursing into subdirectories in
This example could easily be used to implement other custom prompts. Give it a try!
You can find my complete XMonad configuration on Github.
edit (2015-04-12): It seems that this post has inspired the new
module in xmonad-contrib. It features many improvements over the above
implementation and I recommend everyone to use it instead. Thanks for putting in the work!